I have been trying to gather some historical information about Eagles’ Rock, so will add details here as I obtain them. It is a bit of a hunting process and will no doubt lead to snippets of information being found as our Eagles’ Rock project continues.
The land on which Eagles’ Rock is located was surveyed during October and December 1955. It was subdivided from a larger section of farmland, and was registered on the 6th of August 1956 as Sub 7 of the lot FP 164 No 8491. The size of the land is 24.515 Acres (9.92 Ha). At the same time, the land of Thimble Cottage (our neighbours) were surveyed, and registered in 1956 as Sub 6 of the lot FP 164 No 8491 (23.2403 Acres, 9.405 Ha).